You deserve fulfillment from your career and your life.
We’ll help you develop the skills to…
Lead with confidence and manage anything that comes your way.
You might not realize it yet, but there’s a world of untapped potential within you. Deep down, you sense that you’re capable of so much more in your career.
Meet Your Coach

Rachel Pritz
Life Coach, DiSC Coach, Resilience Coach, Enneagram Coach, RN, MSN
I was living life without intention and
alignment to who I really am.
I was living life without intention and alignment to who I really am.
I spent decades checking off all of the life boxes our culture has sold us — but our culture lied to me.
Get a Bachelor's degree
Get a Master's degree
Find a supportive partner
Buy a big house
Have kids
Take fancy vacations
Climb the corporate ladder
All these things didn't make me happy like I was told they would.

I was coming home from work exhausted and overwhelmed. Thinking of what to make for dinner every night is a special kind of hell — and my only coping mechanism to quiet the overwhelm was opening a bottle of wine. I’d have a glass while cooking dinner and then another glass while we ate. Then another glass or two after the kids were in bed. It felt normal since all of my friends and colleagues were doing this too. But, I felt groggy, ashamed, and lifeless.
I felt like a zombie walking around in real life. Needless to say, not the life I craved. And I felt like a victim to my circumstance. “This is just what it’s like to be a high-achieving, working mom” was my belief system.
I was driving to work one day thinking, “What if I just got into a minor car accident? One that would put me in the hospital, but not do permanent damage. Maybe I could finally get someone to take care of me.” Yikes.
When my 5-year-old self was playing with her dolls, she never had a scenario where this was the storyline — where Barbie was a stressed-out, wine-drinking mom of 2, who snapped at the people she loved the most.
I knew something had to drastically change. I confided in a mentor and she suggested a life coach she’d worked with. At this point, I had no idea life coaching was even a real job. I thought you went to therapy or you did it alone.
As I did more research, coaching seemed like exactly what I needed. I hadn’t experienced any major traumas and I didn’t feel like digging into the past was what I needed. So I reached out to the recommendation and the rest is history. She slowly helped me go from barely surviving to thriving.
I learned to thrive in my executive role and got promoted.
I was on a rocket ship and the sky was the limit. I felt so empowered that I realized being confined behind 4 walls of one organization just wasn’t enough for me.
So, I decided to get certified as a coach with the one and only Martha Beck and I started planning my future as a coach and entrepreneur. On March 1st, 2019, I left my corporate job and followed my passion to help others unleash their full potential. Many people told me it was a brave decision. Normally I would agree. But when you are doing the thing that hasn’t just nudged you but hit you with a sledgehammer over and over, you just know you’ll make it work.
What I Want For YOU…
My Commitment.
It all starts with understanding YOU.
The core of our methodology and framework is based on bringing self-awareness to your habits and understanding the why behind your behavior. I know the countless “do it my way for success” programs just don’t work long-term. That’s why I help you address what’s really causing you stress, overwhelm, and disempowerment — then I incorporate new frameworks that support your empowered lifestyle.

We get curious.
We take a holistic approach to your career. So many issues we have at work don’t actually start at work — we really just need to heal.
It’s time to address these issues so you can come out stronger. This is how you become the person you’ve always dreamed of.
You’re a whole person.
It may sound silly, but how often do you remember that you’re not just someone trying to achieve X goal? It’s easy to get caught up in that mentality. (And one of the reasons we have trouble giving ourselves compassion.) That’s why we focus on understanding you as a whole person — your triggers, Enneagram type, why you do the things you want to change, and so much more.

No judgment.
Everything is a suggestion — because this is your career and your life. I’ll never tell you what to do. Rather, we’ll explore your options and how you feel about them. The goal is to get you confident and comfortable in making decisions that are best for you.